David 2
David 2 | 49”x 64” | Oil on Canvas
David was made artistically famous by one of the foremost master artists ever, Michelangelo.This image of David has the added visual dynamics of contrast in light and shadow. A variety of colors are available for the viewer to discover, including the purples in the shadows.
My fascination with David does not start or stop with the statue, no, I am intrigued with the biblical story and how we can relate the principles therein to our lives. I believe the story can inspire us to do great things. Let me explain...
So, David shows up to the battle with the food and provisions his father sent him with. He hears about this giant, Goliath, who is defying the Armies of Israel. David is a boy of faith in his One True God and not only is disappointed in the fearful hosts of Israel, but declares that he himself will slay the Philistine. Awkwardly, I believe, David allowed King Saul to dress him in the king’s armor. This of course was what men of war back then would believe to be the sound thing to do. However, David had no experience with such things, he had not practiced with them, he had not proved to himself that he was skilled with such armor or weapons. The army must have been truly terrified of Goliath to be willing to send an “unarmed” boy to represent them.
Now, here is David, fearless, faithful, and confident in the use of his chosen weapon, the sling. He stoops at a brook and selects five smooth stones, puts them into his little shepherd’s bag, and
approaches the giant. Of course the big guy mocks the boy and trash talks the army of Israel. In turn David trash talks him right back, and even more severely. Then, with a stone in his sling, David runs at the giant slinging the rock. Of course we know the story, the stone sinks deep into Goliath’s forehead and down he goes.
The thing I like about this story is that David did not need any fancy sophisticated equipment. He did not need to do this thing someone else’s way. He used the simple tools he was already familiar with. He was not swayed by peer pressure, even from his older brother, nor did he shrink in awe of his nations king. No, David exercised faith in his God and confidence in himself, relying on who he actually was and what humble skills he had proven. And that was enough.
As we strive to develop the gifts and talents we have, making them applicable to our lives, we too can do big things by seemingly small means. We can have confidence and faith. We can slay the various “giants” that will stand in our way. Yes, life is hard and we are at battle daily, but we can do this thing. We can make a difference in the lives of our people, whoever we are.
"You should have the Art you Love."