Riley | 20”x 16” | Oil on Canvas
This painting was commissioned by Ellen for her cherished daughter Georgia. Both of them love Riley “the best dog ever” very much.
When Ellen met with me, Riley had already passed into dog heaven, where angels go to learn more about pure love. The reference image I was provided with was a posthumous one. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Riley.
In creating the painting I rotated Riley counter-clock-wise to bring her level, and I replaced the background with a home setting. Through the distant window we see the growth and color of summer as a reminder of the fun times they’d had playing together outside.
Riley’s name is nicely placed on a heart shaped tag hanging from the blue-green collar which, having been removed, I replaced.
Rendering Riley’s eyes in a slightly more open position, I was able to add the glint that was such a part of her good nature.
“You should have the Art you Love”